James Gatz, Mayor
(304) 876-2312
Email - JGatz@shepherdstown.gov
Town Hall
Location: 104 North King St
Mailing: PO Box 248
Shepherdstown, WV 25443
Meet the Mayor – Fourth Wednesday of every month at 6:00pm at Town Hall
Mayor James Gatz took office in July 2024. Active in the community, James has volunteered his time and talents to multiple non-profit organizations in the area including Shepherdstown Shares, Shepherdstown Votes, and the Jefferson County Development Authority to which he has been Shepherdstown's representative. He brings to the mayor’s office more than 30 years of experience in planning, evaluation, and management positions with the federal government, and holds degrees in history, law and public policy.
James was elected on a platform that prioritized professionalism and transparency in Town government; a proactive and strategic approach to preserving the Town's sense of place; and support for a vibrant downtown with thriving small local businesses that welcomes all visitors and enhances residents' quality of life.